Support Independent Journalism

Truth Matters. Your Support Makes It Possible.

At Tousi TV, we are dedicated to uncovering the truth, challenging mainstream narratives, and holding power to account. In a world where independent voices are increasingly under threat, our work remains fearless, investigative, and unapologetic.

But independent journalism isn’t free—and we refuse to compromise our integrity by relying on investors who require us to advance a certain narrative. That’s why we rely on you, our audience, to help us stay independent, honest, and relentless in our pursuit of the truth.

Why Your Support Matters

Unfiltered, Uncompromised Journalism
Unlike mainstream media outlets, we don’t answer to private investors or political interests. Your support ensures that our reporting remains fearless and unshackled.

Investigations That Expose the Truth
From in-depth documentaries to real-time coverage of critical events, your contributions help fund the research, travel, and resources needed to bring hidden stories to light.

Expansion & Innovation
We’re growing. With the expansion of Tousi TV+, new investigative series, and expanded coverage of breaking news, every donation helps us reach more people with the truth.

Standing Against Censorship
In an era of increasing media censorship and de-platforming, independent outlets like Tousi TV are more essential than ever. Your support helps us fight back and stay live, loud, and uncensored.

Ways to Support Tousi TV

  • Make a One-Time Donation:  Every contribution, big or small, helps us fund the production of hard-hitting journalism that makes an impact.
  • Become a Monthly Supporter: Join our core community of supporters and help sustain independent journalism with a regular contribution.
  • Upgrade to Tousi TV+: Subscribers to Tousi TV+ have access to exclusive documentaries, in-depth investigations, and premium content while directly funding our mission.

Join the Fight for Truth

If you believe in independent journalism, in-depth reporting, and exposing the stories that others won’t cover, please consider supporting us today. Every contribution fuels our mission and strengthens our ability to challenge the mainstream narrative.

Questions? Contact us at