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Civil Servant Who Stole From Taxpayers Sentenced To Jail

Civil Servant Who Stole From Taxpayers Sentenced To Jail

A Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) civil servant, Kristy Merner, 44, was handed a suspended sentence after diverting £7,621.34 of taxpayers’ money into her personal account.

Liverpool Crown Court issued a 12-month jail term, suspended for 18 months, following Merner’s guilty plea to fraud.

This theft involved 20 employment support allowance payments. Driven by a self-acknowledged gambling addiction, Merner exploited her position, affecting vulnerable claimants with severe health issues.

Besides the suspended sentence, she is mandated to complete 150 hours of unpaid work, 20 rehabilitation activity days, and a six-month programme addressing her gambling issues.

Merner has reimbursed the stolen amount, expressing deep remorse for her actions.

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