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Met Police Beg Anti-Israel Activists To Postpone Remembrance Day Protest

Met Police Beg Anti-Israel Activists To Postpone Remembrance Day Protest

The Metropolitan Police, facing public unease, has begged anti-Israel protest organisers to cancel demonstrations during the poignant Remembrance weekend.

Critics, however, see this as a sign of weakness, calling for more decisive action and a protest ban.

The Met expressed alarm over potential unrest from fringe factions.

A plea for postponement comes amid heightened sensitivity to respect the memory of the fallen heroes.

The organisers, however, have declined the request, leaving the Met in a delicate balance of maintaining order while honouring the right to peaceful assembly.

Londoners now await the weekend of chaos.

Deputy Assistant Commissioner Ade Adelekan said: “The risk of violence and disorder linked to breakaway groups is growing. This is of concern ahead of a significant and busy weekend in the capital. Our message to organisers is clear: Please, we ask you to urgently reconsider. It is not appropriate to hold any protests in London this weekend.”

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