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Metropolitan Police Admit They Were Powerless Against Anti-Israel Protesters

Metropolitan Police Admit They Were Powerless Against Anti-Israel Protesters

The recent anti-Israel protest in Westminster, where police officers stood by as a flare-wielding protesters climbed David Lloyd George’s statue, sheds light on a concerning leniency.

Nigel Farage expressed his outrage, questioning the role of the police if such acts go unchecked. He said on X: “What are the police for if they don’t stop this?”

In reaction to this, the Metropolitan Police said: “One of the challenges is the law that covers flares is really old (1870s) and it focuses on firing and throwing flares/fireworks not just holding them. There’s also no law about climbing on statues if no damage is being done. It means officers haven’t got as many options as they might like.”

The Metropolitan Police’s response highlighted outdated laws regarding flares and the lack of legal framework against statue climbing if no damage is done.

However, this incident exposes a potential flaw in law enforcement’s approach towards maintaining public order.

Such leniency could embolden protesters to engage in more disruptive behaviours, underlining a pressing need to review and possibly amend the existing laws.

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