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Argentina’s New Libertarian President Vows To Crush Socialism

Argentina’s New Libertarian President Vows To Crush Socialism

The conservative libertarian leader, Javier Milei, has been elected as Argentina’s new president, securing a decisive 56% of the vote against the socialist Sergio Massa’s 44%.

This is the largest margin since Argentina’s return to democracy in 1983.

A self-described anarcho-capitalist, Milei’s election is a notable shift in the country’s political landscape.

He has vowed to tackle Argentina’s staggering 142.7% annual inflation and deepening poverty crisis.

Milei, 53, plans radical economic reforms, including closing the central bank, abandoning the peso, and significantly cutting government spending.

His political stance includes anti-abortion views, opposition to sex education in schools, and support for gun rights.

Milei also seeks stronger U.S. ties and has expressed reluctance to engage with “communists” in China and Brazil.

Internationally, his victory has drawn mixed reactions. Donald Trump and Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro have expressed support, while Colombia’s Gustavo Petro views it as a “sad day” for the region.

Despite Milei’s critical stance, Brazil’s President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has extended wishes for his success.

Meanwhile the mainstream media in the west, especially the BBC, have decided to already smear Milei by labelling him as ‘far-right’ despite his economic liberal policies being public and open.

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