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NatWest Files: Bank Staff Celebrated Farage Debanking

NatWest Files: Bank Staff Celebrated Farage Debanking

The internal communications at NatWest given to Nigel Farage reveal a celebratory undertone among some staff members following the closure of Nigel Farage’s bank accounts earlier this year by Coutts, a subsidiary of the NatWest Group.

The messages, ranging from calling Farage a “crackpot” to expressing joy at the idea of having been the agent to inform him, depict a culture of disdain toward the politician within the bank’s ranks.

Farage, who linked his debanking to political vendetta, found validation as messages showed staff members admitting that his political views did not align with the bank’s left wing values.

The surfacing of these communications has prompted NatWest to initiate an independent review, acknowledging the “deeply inappropriate” behaviour of the involved employees.

Meanwhile, Farage leverages this incident to critique the expected £11.3 million payout to NatWest’s former CEO, Dame Alison Rose, urging the board to act judiciously in the upcoming approval meeting.

Amidst a season of public apologies, this episode unveils a scenario where personal biases seemingly collided with professional conduct in the banking sector.

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