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Thousands Of Illegal Migrants Go Missing In UK

Thousands Of Illegal Migrants Go Missing In UK

The UK Home Office has disclosed uncertainty regarding the whereabouts of thousands of migrants slated for deportation to Rwanda under a new asylum agreement.

The admission came after the Home Office assessed the impact of the Migration and Economic Development Partnership, revealing that out of 5,700 migrants Rwanda agreed to accept, only 2,143 are traceable and reporting as required.

This announcement coincides with the implementation of the controversial Rwanda Bill, which received Royal Assent last week, paving the way for the deportation of migrants who arrived illegally between January 1, 2022, and June 29, 2023.

Left wing critics argue the policy is inhumane and anticipate further legal challenges.

Concurrently, Ireland has expressed concerns that the UK’s policy is driving migrants to seek asylum there, leading to legislative changes aimed at preventing asylum seekers from using Ireland as a backdoor into the UK.

The UK government remains firm, stating it will not accept migrant returns from the EU.

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